Thank you for your interest in the laparoscopic gastric band and gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy). Dr. Matthew Lublin and our highly trained staff will help you take control of obesity and regain control of your health and your life.  For people suffering from severe obesity and related health conditions, weight loss surgery may be the solution they have been searching for. Studies demonstrate that weight loss surgery, as compared to non-surgical treatments, yields the longest period of sustained weight loss in patients who have failed other therapies. For best results, patients need to actively participate in a multidisciplinary weight loss program, which includes nutritional, emotional, and exercise counseling. Our highly trained team is committed to providing the highest level of patient care every step of the way.

Step 1: Learn More About Bariatric Surgery

If you are interested in pursuing gastric banding or gastric sleeve surgery, please register for a Weight Loss Surgery Consultation with Dr. Lublin. You’ll have plenty of time to ask your questions and have them answered. You’ll also have a chance to meet the staff and learn more about the bariatric procedures available to you. Further, the time spent allows us to get to know you better and give you some guidance on your unique circumstance. You’ll also learn about:

Click for more information on Gastric Sleeve / Sleeve Gastrectomy or Gastric Banding and robotic bariatric surgery

Step 2: Understand the Surgical Process

Please read the Patient Introduction and Instruction Handbook, which will guide you through the path to surgery, listing all the tests and labs you’ll need before you schedule your surgery date. It is important to remember that any positive lifestyle changes (starting a diet, quitting smoking, reducing stress etc) you begin before surgery will contribute to a safer procedure and an easier transition into post-surgical life.

Learn more about Qualifying for Weight Loss SurgeryPaying for Surgery and other FAQs

Step 3: Fill Out Your New Patient Forms

In the meantime, you can begin taking positive steps toward your post-surgical success.  To begin the process, please fill out the Medical and Bariatric History Form, entirely. Once completed, mail, fax, or hand-deliver along with a copy of your health insurance card (front and back) to our office. Once we have received all the information in its entirety, our office will schedule you for an initial consultation with Dr. Matthew Lublin. Keep a list of any questions for your upcoming appointments.

Step 4: Your Consultation with Dr. Lublin

During your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Lublin, you will have the opportunity to learn more about your suitability for surgery and decide on which procedure is the best for you. Now is the time to ask any lingering questions about surgery and get excited about the big day drawing near!

Undergoing surgery is not an overnight process. It takes time – there are many required steps that involve multiple parties.  Rest assured that we will expedite this process for you eliminating the need for you to check your case status.