Hemorrhoid surgery also known as a hemorrhoidectomy is a common and minimally invasive procedure that can be performed in an outpatient surgical center. Surgery is performed when diet and lifestyle changes along with other non-invasive treatments have failed to correct the condition. The key indications for surgery are:

  • Painful symptoms such as burning and/or itching
  • Failure of other less invasive treatments including rubber band ligation
  • Chronic or serious bleeding

A hemorrhoidectomy is performed by cutting away the hemorrhoids while the patient is sedated – under a local or general anesthetic. The type of anesthesia used is based on patient preference and the severity of the condition.

Results and Prognosis

The prognosis for hemorrhoid surgery is usually very good and the procedure is a safe one. Virtually all procedures, no matter the severity of the hemorrhoid, offer a good degree, if not, complete resolution of the condition.

While hemorrhoids themselves do not lead to cancer, rectal bleeding and other symptoms of hemorrhoids can be signs of a more insidious diseases including colorectal cancer. Therefore it is important that any hemorrhoid symptoms being evaluated by a qualified colorectal specialist to make an accurate diagnosis and rule out any other conditions.

Recovery from Hemorrhoid Surgery

Recovery from hemorrhoid surgery is swift and most patients will be home the same day. From a pain perspective, the patient will most likely receive permanent relief from the hemorrhoid pain. However, sutures may be needed to complete the surgery and if this is the case, patients will have some discomfort in the surgical area until the sutures dissolve.

Please follow post-procedure guidelines from your surgeon to help ensure the greatest degree of comfort as well as a swift recovery and return to regular activity.

Risks of Hemorrhoid Surgery

The risks of hemorrhoid surgery are relatively low, but the risks of any surgical procedure remain. Bleeding in the surgical area and infection are the most common problems. In some cases, patients may have a reaction to the anesthesia used in the procedure. In rare cases, anal tissue may be injured during the surgery. Please speak to Dr. Lublin about the risks of surgery as they relate to your particular condition.